Furious Fighting Face-off - Fake vs Fake with the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry

You've  heard it said - you can't fight fire with fire, but maybe you can fight fake with fake.  The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry believe so.  At the WatchPress we have become used to being quietly provided with statistics regarding watch industry exports and other run-of-the-mill information from the Swiss watch's largest trade association for so long that their latest scheme to combat the on-line sale of counterfeit watches took us by suprise.  It is a move so covert and sneaky that we just had to share it with our readers - a move encouraged by the FHS themselves. Basically the Federation have constructed a decoy website www.replicaswisswatch.com which appears to the user like any other site offering a selection of fake watches .......until about 30 seconds later when they are automatically re-directed to an awareness-raising page which sends a strong message to the user about the consequences of buying fake  - a bit of a shock tactic and one which we fully endorse.  You can see how the site works yourself by accessing this  link.

As Blackadder would say, this is a plan "as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University". We wish the Federation every success in the on-going fight against fake watches.