George Daniels C.B.E. M.B.E. Master Watchmaker, Mentor.



It is with sadess that we have to report that Dr. George Daniels has died at the age of 85.  Widely regarded as one of the greatest watchmakers - ever, he leaves behind a lifetime of achievements, most notably the invention of the Co-Axial Escapement which was purchased by Omega.


To innovate and improve on the lever escapement which had largely remained unchanged for 200 years required a skillful and resourceful mind, for an Englishman to then take his invention to doubtful Swiss watch manufacturers for approval and potential sponsorship proved to be a formidable undertaking, and one which required Dr. Daniels to be steadfast and more than a little stubborn.


A Breguet enthusiast, George Daniels endorsed the handworking techniques of past Masters.  He inspired many others including Roger Smith, who he encountered when the young under-graduate was in his second year at Manchester's School of Horology.  The pair recently collaborated on an exquisite series of limited edition Co-Axial Anniversary watches.


"Watchmaking" by George Daniels is, without doubt the definitive horology reference book, and it is a fitting testimony to this great man that his shared techniques and insights will continue to inspire and educate the watchmakers of the future for generations to come.


More information at George Daniel's Official Website