Jacquet Droz Launch A Website Dedicated To The Automates & Merveilles Exhibition


Last month we brought you details of a unique event, the Automates & Merveilles Exhibition due to begin later this year.  Jacquet Droz, a Watch Press favourite, are so intrinsically linked with the history of Automata that we were delighted to wax lyrical about these extraordinary Masterpieces of Luxury Miniaturisation, and also to remark on the links between these complex mechanical dolls and the art of the " illusionists" and also a connection with Martin Scorsese’s recent movie “Hugo”.


If you missed our article you can read it here, but don't just take our word for it - Jacquet Droz have launched a website dedicated to the exhibition and it is jam-packed with information, a historical timeline and images as well as details of the upcoming event, now live at Jacquet Droz.com.