Linde Werdelin SpidoLite II Titanium Blue - Magnificient, Is It Not?

Readers of on-line watch journals such as this one cannot fail to notice certain similarities this week - wall to wall coverage of a new watch by a brand which none of us have the willpower to ignore - the new Linde Werdelin SpidoLite II Titanium Blue.


"A true 3-dimensional skeletonised experience" ... "design innovation, build excellence and meticulous craftsmanship" - sweeping statements by Linde Werdelin but all are true, the SpidoLite is quite simply superb.



Linde Werdelin have discovered and created a new form of horological art - not in the traditional sense, but in a thoroughly modern way - the amalgamation of  cutting edge machinery with the human touch, the merging of digital with analogue.  They have followed the challenge of weight-reduction found in motorsport disciplines and have used a similar ethos to design their SpidoLite, stripping it back to bare bones, both case and dial - an extraordinary feat which would have been impossible to implement a decade ago, a method which is so advanced that so far, no one has been able to emulate it... and this is the latest watch in the collection, the SpidoLite II Titanium Blue.



You may see supercool styling, chunky and manly.  I see a sculpted metal form, meritorious in its degree of difficulty.  In its dial you may see interesting automobile-inspired shapes.  I see labyrinthine beauty and depth, a perfectly placed counter, a look-see through to the date disc and loupe-worthy, fastidious craftsmanship.  In its colour scheme you may see contrasting animation in the use of vivid orange and cobalt blue against icy titanium.  I see ... the same, actually.  And is it not magnificient?


The Linde Werdelin SpidoLite II Titanium Blue will be limited to 75 pieces.  More information and technical specifications at the excellent Linde Werdelin website.