The George Daniels Educational Trust - The Legacy Continues.

The George Daniels Educational Trust - The Legacy Continues.

How to follow yesterday's hoopla regarding the MB&F tribute to holorogical history? - with the legacy of George Daniels, widely regarded as one of the greatest watchmakers ever.

Since his death in 2011 Mr Daniels' collection of watches and clocks were auctioned raising a reported £8m, funds which have been generously donated to form the foundations of the George Daniels Educational Trust.  This academic year marks the beginning of the trust's fruition with seven students at City University London set to benefit with two doctoral studentships and five undergraduate scholarships being awarded in Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation courses.

George Daniels Master Watchmaker

George Daniels Master Watchmaker

 Mr Daniels had reflected on the high value he placed on his student years and the contributions they had to his horological accomplishments, so it is entirely appropriate that not only does he leave behind a lifetime of achievements, most notably the invention of the Co-Axial Escapement, but also a legacy which will benefit future generations.

During an evening of celebration at the university on September 18th, the first George Daniels lecture will take place titled "Optical Atomic Clocks - Light Years Ahead" and as a tribute the university clock will be renamed "The George Daniels Clock".

More details at the Daniels London website.