The De Bethune DBS Piece Unique Reference DBS 2005/2015 For Only Watch 2015

The clue is in the title. For Only Watch 2015 De Bethune provide a retrospective of the piece which they created for the event's first auction, and even though ten years have passed, the design is still futuristic, box-fresh and beautiful. Every aspect of this watch is stunning. Its asymmetrical case profile lends it a slightly quirky appearance, its minute track as if to contrast is sensible and pure and, as a centrepiece, bereft of a dial, the movement is completely exposed.

De Bethune DBS piece unique
De Bethune DBS piece unique

Distinctive little blue spheres (so synonymous that De Bethune now quite simply own this feature), appear to float on their hour ring but unusually there is an imposter - a vivid red example which "hovers" above the silicon and white gold balance.

De Bethune DBS Only Watch 2015
De Bethune DBS Only Watch 2015

"Piece Unique" inscribed on the lower case declares this particular De Bethune as extra special and therefore highly covetable.

De Bethue DBS for Only Watch 2015
De Bethue DBS for Only Watch 2015